
February 9, 2010

You Have a Blog, Now What

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 5:43 pm

So, you´ve set up your blog. You´ve thought of a great, creative title that reflects you and your intentions. You´ve linked to it from your social media profiles and your friends and family are all eagerly awaiting your first post. Now, what do you write about?

There are many key words to help you come up with ideas, which will be mentioned later. But the first, most obvious one, is to write about what you know. Your thoughts on something, your ideas that are unique to you, your feelings about the day…

Once you´ve used up all the traditional ideas, then click here to read about other things to write about; to inspire great posts.

February 8, 2010

Annnnd There’s Another One

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 11:16 am

Added to the electronics mix this holiday season could be the newest “mini notebook”, the Smartbook. Combining the simplicity and connectivity of smartphones with the power and usability of laptops, a Smartbook is a new type of mobile device that lets you ´do on the go´. The newly available iPad will be a direct competitor for the new netbooks.

Their biggest draw seems to be their ability of instant-on, always ready to go. And there are some differences from the netbook – their biggest foreseeable competition. Mainly, their all day battery life, lasting from 8 – 10 hours.

Different operating systems and different pricing models may be the biggest draw or distraction from Smartbooks however, and only time will tell which is the winner. It may just be that there are different strokes for different folks; key strokes that is ;).

February 7, 2010

Let’s Talk Solar Power

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 11:10 am

With all this talk about being green and going green, it´s best if you first understand that there are many ways and approaches to doing so. When it comes to most “green” options, there are usually just that; options. Which means there are a few different ways to do it. Just like green cars, there are many options: hybrid, electric, hydrogen, biodiesel and fuel cell.

So, solar panels come in two forms. Photo-thermal and photo-voltaic. Photo-thermal generates heat from the sun´s rays but is best used for a large industrial scale.

And photo-voltaic is the best choice for homeowners looking to cut expenses in the long run and greatly reduce the amount of energy they´ll use in the lifetime of their home. These panels directly generate electricity and can be used for more than just panels; garden lighting, pond pumps and security systems to name a few.

Remember, you can save a ton of energy as well as as saving you money. However, make sure to check with local laws and regulations, as you wouldn´t want to do all that work and spend all that money on something that to be taken down. Plus, make sure your house can handle the weight. — Just some helpful tips!

February 6, 2010

As Time Passes, A ‘New Moon’ Appears

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 11:05 am

At about only ten days in the theaters, “New Moon” reached huge numbers, even bigger ones than it´s original, “Twilight”. The first milestone is that it´s third biggest opening weekend ever. And that´s saying something. Falling just after “Titanic” and “The Dark Knight”, the sequel is quickly gaining speed.

“New Moon” opened and was immediately followed by a holiday weekend. The third weekend may show some competition but with the holiday weekend just passing and “New Moon” being a teenage-dominated movie, there may still be some stragglers left to buy tickets the third weekend. And the fourth weekend may find those who jumped on the bandwagon but who wanted to read the books first, finally finish and then want to see the movie. So, it´s a good bet that it will cross into the all–time list.

February 5, 2010

Jewels, Gems, and Diamonds with MonkeyJar

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 1:10 pm

Looking to brighten up your fashion style with new earrings, necklaces, rings, or bracelets? MonkeyJar and a number of jewelry stores are now being offered to you for your online shopping convenience. It´s has always been a women´s desire to own diamond jewelry. In fact, nearly every female in the world has either owned a diamond or has had a strong passion to own one. The diamond is a gorgeous gemstone that is rare in nature, nearly indestructible, and symbolizes love. What more could women want?

With MonkeyJar, not only do we offer you a wide range of jewelry stores to select from but gemstones as well. Je Gem is an online jewelry store that a large variety of different gemstones that are sold in earrings, rings, necklaces, and more. Their site offers great deals on all jewelry so that nothing is out of your budget. If you´re looking more for wedding jewelry, then Anjolee is the store for you. Anjolee allows customers to customize any design and make your own price. If silver jewels aren´t your passion, then visit Pictures On Gold, a site specializing in the customization of gold jewelry.

It doesn´t matter what style of jewelry you like, MonkeyJar can provide you with the stores you need to find the jewelry that fits your needs. Silver or Gold. Diamond or pearls. With MonkeyJar, we´ll not only provide you with the sites you want to find the perfect jewelry for you, but we´ll pay you for purchasing it through our website! It is absolutely free to join our site. There are absolutely no gimmicks, no tricks, and no contracts! Visit MonkeyJar today and start creating your own online shopping community for FREE! But remember to navigate to those stores through your own MonkeyJar mall!

February 4, 2010

Jamie Dimon – The Man to Turn To?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 3:18 pm

Of course there´s luck in any career, but wasn´t it Seneca who said, “Luck is when preparation meets opportunity”? Jamie is the guy who was ready to take advantage of opportunities when they happened. So I don´t really think it´s luck at all. Jamie has proved that preparation is all there is on Wall Street. JPMorgan Chase, whose chief executive, Jamie Dimon, has largely escaped the pitchforks aimed at his fellow Wall Street CEOs. Over the course of the financial crisis, JPMorgan Chase remained profitable, a pillar of relative stability in the midst of an earthquake.

He´s the most prominent banker in America, and if there is such a thing as a financial philosopher, Jamie´s it. His letter to shareholders in the 2008 JPMorgan Chase annual report was a tour de force of explicatory brilliance. He explained what happened and it was totally Jamie talking. He explained the risk exposures, which were mostly mortgages. Where we went wrong, ways the system can be improved. He explained: Is JPMorgan caught up in this? Yes. But he´s aware of the exposure. This is a guy who wrote the letter while still in the midst of the crisis, since he began writing it at the end of 2008.

I don´t think Jamie Dimon would ever run for office. He wouldn´t put his family in that position or deal with the attendant issues. But would he accept an appointment? Don´t be surprised if he does. When Obama got elected, there were rumors that Dimon would end up in Washington. I asked him why he didn´t shoot down the rumors. He said, “Isn´t it kind of presumptuous to turn down a job you haven´t been offered?” But if he were offered the position of treasury secretary, it´s almost a slam-dunk he would take it. It´s the only thing he has left to do–public service. He told me that his one regret is never having done any public service, and he´d like to.

He´s a Democrat because he comes from a free-thinking family. His father played violin in their living room during social events when he was growing up. The family talked about a lot of things beyond just the day-to-day. He was exposed to different ideas. here´s a deep sense of integrity that guides his decision making. The guy is motivated. He absolutely wanted to be rich, and he is rich. Paired with that is a deep sense of doing the right thing. Despite what populist anger seems to be suggesting these days, these are not inconsistent beliefs in America.

February 3, 2010

Make Sure You’re Linking

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , — MonkeyJar @ 3:10 pm

Linking to your blog or MonkeyJar mall account is important. Why? Because search engines try to replicate human behavior. How else will they know which results to return? They can´t read minds — yet. But they sure are trying.

When you type in a search term, the search engine scours the internet, looking for the web pages that are the most relevant to it. So, how does it know? Just like a person, if you wanted to know where the best place for pizza was, you would ask a friend or neighbor. Their answer would be a vote of authority for that pizza place. And if there were two next to each other, you´d probably go to the one that was recommended. Similarly, search engines will return results that have the most “votes”.

So now the question becomes, how do you get these votes? Links. Links are the equivalent of votes and by linking to a website or blog or whatever, you are giving it a vote of authority, telling the search engine that it is a good site. By linking to and from your MonkeyJar account or blog, you´re helping your site to gain authority. But you don´t want to go overboard because too many votes is not good. In fact, there are different kinds of links — some good and some bad. But that´s another post for another day…

February 2, 2010

E-Cigs – Snuff Said

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 3:05 pm

Are the claims about electronic cigarettes  real or are they too good to be true? Well, they seem to be real and here´s how they work. You can smoke anywhere, at any time! Smoke inside restaurants, movie theaters, even airplanes! Smoking without the smoke!

But wait! There’s more! Continue reading at MonkeyJar.

February 1, 2010

Who Dat Tryin’ to Claim a Trademark?

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , — MonkeyJar @ 3:35 pm

The increasingly popular chant of “Who Dat” can be heard on the streets of Louisiana and Florida (all around the country, actually) and will most definitely be heard in the stands at Feb. 7’s Superbowl Sunday game in Miami, Fl. The original chant goes like this: “Who dat say dey gonna beat dem Saints”. But just what does it mean and why all the controversy around it?

The NFL sent cease and desist letters to producers/sellers of Who Dat merchandise, to stop selling it. They claim to own the trademark to Who Dat. They also think it will “cause confusion about the official status of the merchandise”. Well, which one is it? Either way, it’s a bit ridiculous like when Donald Trump tried to copyright the phrase “You’re Fired”. But we’ll just have to wait and see what happens. Until then, there is an outpouring of people trying to boycott NFL products sold for the Superbowl and both the Saints and Colts apparel. What? Who Dat?

January 31, 2010

MonkeyJar Cares About the Global Food Supply and the Growing Population

Filed under: Uncategorized — Tags: , , , , , , — MonkeyJar @ 11:19 am

We have unfortunately come across an all too important truth – one MonkeyJar can’t ignore.  It is estimated that the world is currently eating more food than what farmers grow. Global grain stocks are at their lowest levels in 30 years and with water shortages, climate changes, the rising population and the rising cost of fossil fuels, it doesn´t look like it will be getting any better.

There is basically no discussion of how people will eat 20 years from now and with little land left on the planet for food-production, it will does need to be discussed. How will we feed the global citizens in the future? Especially when we can´t even feel all of them now. Hunger is already a worldwide phenomenon, touching every single country on earth; that number growing when the global population continues to increase.

And with only five major companies controlling the global grain market, there is a huge imbalance of power. The food-production system is designed to generate not food, but profits. A food-production system that is happy to leave hundreds of millions of people unfed is a system that is backwards, hypocritical, wrong and just plain corrupt.

So, with climates getting higher and the risk of global flooding, famine and drought, what is the solution? Well, it will need to be a global solution, with everyone working together. The inequity of things will need to change and local food production will need to sweep the planet. Locally grown food, gardens in backyards, the 100-mile diet – will all contribute to helping solve this problem. Maybe you should start today; MonkeyJar has plenty of books and garden supply stores available to save you money in your quest to help change the food-production system.

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